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Home / Medical Malpractice

Medical Malpractice

Patient Safety Is Priority

Medical malpractice is negligence caused by the acts or omissions of a healthcare provider, like doctors, nurses, and hospital staff. When their conduct falls below the accepted standard of practice in our community, it may cause permanent, irreparable harm to you or a loved one. Insurance companies have spent millions of dollars in an attempt to convince the public that medical malpractice cases are bad for our country and for the healthcare system. These claims have routinely been proven to be false and misleading. More importantly, though, medical malpractice cases act as a check and balance on doctors, nurses, and hospitals. Without this check and balance, patient safety would become an afterthought and more people would needlessly die. Thankfully, all healthcare providers carry some type of professional insurance coverage. This means that they are not personally responsible for any settlement or verdict against them. Instead, their insurance company is responsible for paying any settlement or trial verdict. Get Your Free Consultation

What Causes Medical Negligence?

Medical malpractice is caused by a variety of factors from untrained personnel to downright incompetence. Some of the most common causes of medical malpractice are:

  • Misdiagnosis

    Misdiagnosing a health condition is one of the leading causes of medical malpractice. It can lead to wrong or dangerous treatments or prevent patients from getting the treatments they desperately need.

  • Failure To Intubate

    Many decisions made in a hospital have to be made quickly and without hesitation. Failing to intubate a patient is a decision that not only has to be made quickly but can be the difference between life and death.

  • Radiology Errors

    When we have imaging done, we expect to accurate and thorough translations. Unfortunately, errors or oversights in radiology readings can lead to fatal results. Radiological abnormalities such as cancer or fractures can delay critical medical treatment and threaten the recovery and life of a patience.

  • Mis-communication

    Clear directions and order are critical when issuing treatment for patients in a medical facility. When communication errors occur, even minor ones, it can compromise a patient’s health, exacerbate an existing condition, or even lead to death. Holding hospitals and their staffs accountable for these mistakes will keep the entire community safer in the future.

  • Prescription Errors

    Prescription drugs have the power to help a patient live a quality of life not possible otherwise. Sadly, when a prescription drug error is made, it can result in serious, permanent injury, amputation, or even death.

  • Infections

    When a hospital acquired infection occurs, permanent injury, amputations, or even death, may occur.

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    Pursuing A Medical Malpractice Case

    Medical Negligence claims are extremely time sensitive and case specific cases. If you or someone you love suffered a catastrophic injury, you deserve the best representation possible. At Yanni Law, we never charge for consultations and only take a fee if we win your case. You pay no money up front and we only take a fee if we win your case. Having the right lawyer in your corner can be the difference between getting fair compensation for your injuries or taking little to no money that does not represent the harms and losses you have suffered in the accident. We will fight to get you compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, property damage, and more. These cases are subject to strict timelines and statutes of limitations vary by state and injury type, so it is important that you speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

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