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Premises Liability

Slips & Falls

Premises liability claims, also called “slip and falls,” are based on accidents when unsafe conditions at a property creates a danger. Usually, slip and falls happen in commercial establishments like grocery stores, shopping malls, restaurants, and hotels. They can also happen in apartment complexes, condominium complexes, and private homes. Additionally, some slip and falls commonly occur in parking lots and sidewalks. Slip and fall accidents can cause serious and permanent injuries like broken bones, herniated discs, and traumatic brain injuries. Get Your Free Consultation

What Causes Slips & Falls?

Slip and fall accidents happen when a property owner fails to keep their premises free from dangers or hazards or fails to warn people of the known dangers or hazards on their property. In cases a danger or hazard is open and obvious, the onus is on the person to become aware of the danger and avoid it. However, even if the danger or hazard was obvious, the person or company that maintains control over the property may still be liability for injuries if it was deemed unreasonable under the circumstances. Likewise, if a person or company that maintains control over the property knows there is a danger or hazard on the property, they may avoid liability by providing adequate warning to its guests. However, the warning must be adequate – that is it must call the guest’s attention to the danger or hazard.


What Should I Do If I’m In A Slip & Fall Accident?

First, don’t panic. Whether it’s wet floors, slick bathtubs, or loose mats, we handle Slip and Fall cases every day in our offices nationwide. We know the ins and outs of the insurance business and the tricks they often employ to get you to take little to nothing after an accident. We will always fight to get the money you deserve. The three most important things to do after an accident are:

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    1) Stay Calm At The Scene

    A Slip and Fall accident can be a devastating. Many times, our instinct to panic and start talking takes over. It’s important that you remain as calm as possible during this time so that you can collect all of the evidence you may need to prove you were not at fault for the accident. This includes taking photographs of the area you fell, making sure to note of any signage or warnings, getting the names of the employees or persons that witnessed the slip and fall, and filing an incident report. Make sure to preserve your shoes and clothing you were wearing at the time of the slip and fall. Get Your Free Consultation

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    2) Seek Medical Attention

    The most important thing for you to do after being in a Slip and Fall Accident is to seek medical treatment immediately. Although you may feel fine after the initial accident, many times you will not know the extent of your injuries until days and weeks later when the adrenaline wears off and your body adjusts to the trauma of the crash. Many injuries such as herniated discs in the neck and back will not be realized until weeks and months later and only show up on an MRI well after the injury. That’s why it is important to document the accident and injuries immediately and make sure you are getting the best health care possible. Get Your Free Consultation

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    3) Contact an Attorney

    Finally, it is important to call an attorney for a free, no obligation consultation. Insurance companies do not like it when you “lawyer up” because they know they will no longer have the opportunity to trick you into taking little to nothing for your case. The insurance companies will try to scare and intimidated you into taking a quick and easy settlement. Don’t fall for their traps. You owe it to yourself and to your family to get maximum recovery for your injuries. Get Your Free Consultation

  • Filing Insurance Claims

    Commercial businesses often have powerful insurance companies are willing to go to any length to deny your claims. Insurance companies are not your friend and they are not in business to pay out claims. Quite the opposite, insurance companies often “low ball” or straight out deny legitimate claims. The other party’s insurance company may call you as soon as the next day after the accident knowing you are shocked, scared, and injured. Beware. Before talking to an insurance company after an accident, understand that anything you say or do can and will be held against you later. You are under no obligation to talk to the other party’s insurance company although they may tell you that if you don’t, they can’t pay your claim. This is a trap that the insurance company wants you to fall for so they can use it against you later. This is why it is important to talk to an attorney before talking to any insurance company or making your claims.

  • Pursuing A Slip & Fall Case

    If you’ve been injured in an accident, you deserve get the best representation possible. At Yanni Law, we never charge for consultations and only take a fee if we win your case. You pay no money up front and we only take a fee if we win your case. Having the right lawyer in your corner can be the difference between getting fair compensation for your injuries or taking little to no money that does not represent the harms and losses you have suffered in the accident. We will fight to get you compensation for pain and suffering, lost wages, property damage, and more. These cases are subject to strict timelines and statutes of limitations vary by state and injury type, so it is important that you speak with an attorney as soon as possible.

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